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Making lists and checking them twice, planning gathering, shopping, decorating, cooking and baking, along with the usual daily tasks can make this time of year overwhelmingly busy! Let Tidy Tabs help you get a head start on the holidays with a detailed house cleaning.

Before you drag those decorations out of the attic consider getting a professional cleaning to rid your home of any leftover autumn grime. Fall brings damp weather and dried leaves that are carried in on shoes and bags and can leave a crinkly mess as they dry out and crumble. Dust bunnies may accumulate due to closing up windows and doors because of falling temps. Most areas of our homes could use a good, thorough detailed house cleaning to freshen things up before the holiday rush.

Detailed house cleaning has many benefits

 Every nook and cranny inside your home can accumulate dirt and dust. This accumulation can this cause an allergen response, filling your home with sneezing, sniffles, teary eyes, and runny noses. On the other hand, a bright, clean space alleviates allergen sources and, bonus!, it can also be a mood lifter as the days grow grayer and darker. Just think about how these ideas and a detailed house cleaning would change your environment:

  • A ceiling to floor wipe down to freshen your space and lower dust levels
  • Consider a humidifier in your home to cut down on dust and allergens – and static electricity
  • Spaces closed-up for colder months restrict air circulation allowing for lots of stale air and the build-up of odors from cooking, candles, and other “human living”
  • A de-cluttering BEFORE decorating for the holidays prevents excessive clutter buildup in forgotten spaces throughout the fall and into winter
  • Holiday decor will be more enjoyable in a bright, clean, de-cluttered space
  • Knowing someone is coming to deep clean prompts a purge of unwanted, unused items

 Set the stage for the coziness of winter. Start with an in-depth cleaning before the closed-up home collects all the winter dust and dirt. Of course, a clean house makes everything more enjoyable, but it also will make the after-holidays less of a letdown and the spring cleaning less of a chore.

Give yourself a break so you can enjoy your family and friends during the holidays. No need to drag out the ladder to reach the ceiling fans or fighting with the mop. Tidy Tabs can handle your detailed house cleaning needs before the holiday decorations and after the parties. Be sure to call and schedule early so we can get you on our calendar for the dates you need.